The Identification of the Wicked

  1. You can identify the wicked person by their tongue. (The way they speak)

1. Distorted words –The word froward means perverted, bent or twisted. The evil men are known for twisting words for his own benefits.

2. Damaging words – 6:14, 6:12, 10:32

Wicked defined as evil, morally bad in principle and practice.

B. You can identify a wicked person by his “Temptations”. Prov 1:10-15, PROV 16:29, 28:10

1. By the kind of life he lives.

2. Soweth Strife.

3. He likes to entice people.

C. You can identify a wicked person by his “Testimony” (Action)

Matt. 7:16-20.

1. He hatens to sin - Prov 1:16

2. He is happy with sin– Prov. 2:14 – 29:22

3. He is habitual to sin – Prov. 2:13, 6:13

4. He is hardened in sin– Prov. 2:15, 4:16,17, 21:8, 21:29

5. He is harsh because of his sinful nature. Prov 12:10

6. He hoards because of his sinful nature. Prov. 17:23, 29:7

D. You can identify a wicked man by his thoughts( The way he thinks).

What is his inmost desires, dreams and determination. Prov. 17:9-10, 21:10, 21:27, 24:8, 12:12

E: You can identify a wicked person by his/her teachings(What he stands for)

1. He is not concern about truth.

2. He doesn’t care about reputation.

3. He doesn’t care about the future and ending, conclusion.

4. No conviction

5. Not cooperative toward things that will glorify God.