Story that Lives Lyrics

Story that Lives

It's been two thousand years

Since the stories been told

It's a story that lives

And it never grows old

How a King left His throne

His robe and His crown

And from heaven to earth came down

He was hated of men

Those who He'd come to save

Till He hung on a cross

And was laid in a grave

But His work was not done

Soon He'd live again

To redeem those who'd hated Him


I didn't deserve His bleeding side

The life He gave the death He died

The stripes He bore were meant for me

But Christ took them so I'd go free

And all that He lost was so He could win

A Bride free from spot and sin

He's at the Father's right hand

Interceding for me

Providing my needs so lovingly

And one day He'll come

For His bride He'll descend

And will rise to the clouds with Him


I didn't deserve His bleeding side

The life He gave the death He died

The stripes He bore were meant for me

But Christ took them so I'd go free

And all that He lost was so He could win

A Bride free from spot and sin


I didn't deserve His bleeding side

The life He gave the death He died

The stripes He bore were meant for me

But Christ took them so I'd go free

And all that He lost was so He could win

A Bride free from spot and sin

And all that He lost was so He could win

A Bride free from spot and sin