Bury my heart on the mission field Lord Lyrics


Bury my heart on the mission field


A young girl weeps in a far distant land

She has no one to show her God's love.

No mother or father to wipe away her tears

She cries out in the night alone.


Bury my heart on the mission field, Lord

I'll go to dry that young girl's tears

I'll serve you no matter where the path may lead

Lord, please bury my heart


A mother grieves for her starving child;

She has no shelter from the cold

Earthly provisions will ease their suffering,

But who will feed their empty souls?


Bury my heart on the mission field, Lord

I'll give the Gospel to the suffering ones

I'll go wherever you want me to go

Lord, please bury my heart


Will you ignore these lost souls in the night?

Can you hear their pleading cries?

They're begging for someone to show them the way;

We must go before another one dies.


Bury my heart on the mission field, Lord

These distant voices won't fade away

I'll do Your will whatever the cost

Lord, please bury my heart


I'll do Your will no matter the cost

Lord, please bury my heart

Lord, I give you my heart