Staying Healthy, Happy, Excited, Blessed and Contented in the Ministry


Staying Healthy, Happy, Excited, Blessed, and Contented in the Ministry or in the Work of God. 

Acts 20:24; Acts 21:13; Phil. 4:4

Staying Healthy, Happy, Excited, Blessed, and Contented in the Ministry or in the Work of God. 

How did Apostle Paul manage his life being his time and even to us who read his life and epistle written to a lot of churches? As a result, he was able to stay in the ministry happy and on fire for God and became an example to a lot of people to whom he ministered.  

What was the Secret of His Joy in the work of God?

A. His Genuine Love for the Lord/God.(V. 24; 21:13; Gal. 2:20)

The Proof of His Love for God

1. He wants Christ's Message to be Preached (v.21-22; 

II Tim. 4:2)

The Proof of His Love for God

1. He wants Christ's Message to be Preached 

2. He wants churches to multiply all over the world. 

3. He wants Christ's Mandate to be seriously obeyed by God's People. 

4. He wants God's people to experience the Miracles of God in the Ministry/Life.

5. He wants Christ's Name to be Magnified. 

B. His Growing Desire for the Salvation of the Lost People. (Rom. 10:1-3; V. 20,26,31)

Look at his Desire for the lost people:

1. To be Saved

2. To be Scripturally Baptized

3. To be Faithful to Church Worship

4. To be Used of God

5. To be Blessed by God in everything

C. The Grace of God that Enable Him to Have Liberty in Preaching the Word of God. (V.24-27)

As a Result

1. He was Not Fearful of No Man/Anybody

2. He was Firm in his Belief

3. He was focused to his Task

4. He was Faithful to the Lord's Calling

D. His Godly Life that was used by God in spite of Who he was and what he did for the Lord before He got saved. (V.19-20)

What Kind of Life He had?

1. It is a life with a Purpose

2. It is a life governed by the Principles of God.

3. It is a life full of God's Power

4. It is a life full of Productivity

E. The Fruit of His Labor. (V. 36 - v. 38; Phil. 4:1-2)

1. Genuine - They had a changed life

2. Great Fruits - they were useful

3. Godly - They were living for Christ and had a good testimony

4. Generous - Supports Missions