The Day Before Stephen Died


TTitle: "The Day Before Stephen Died"

Text: Acts 7:51-57     


Who was Stephen and what kind of man he was?

  • A man full of the Spirit of God
  • A man full of wisdom
  • A man of prayer
  • A man of obedience
  • A man of faith
  • A man of courage
  • A man of conviction
  • A man of character

During the time of Stephen, Christianity was under heated persecution, making it very difficult to serve the Lord. Living for God was considered a crime by those who did not believe in God. Their faith in God was severely tested, and people rejected the message because they hated the Lord and His Gospel. People did not want to be rebuked and refused to repent of their sins. During this challenging period, they had to be courageous and committed to preach and witness, no matter what happened.

In this passage that we read, we will explore what happened to Stephen.


A. A straightforward (direct/exact) message was preached to the lost.

A message:

  • With Clarity - addressing sin
  • With Courage - rebuking
  • With Compassion - full of love and honesty 
The willingness and courage were present. Praise the Lord!)
  • With Confidence in the power of God
  • With exaltation of the Name of his Savior/Creator

B. The crowd of sinners was convicted.

  • Because of their spiritual condition:
  • Stiff-necked, arrogant, rejectors
Because of the undeniable truth:
  • (They crucified the Savior) "who Jesus was and the Word of God"
  • Because of their rejection of God's message.

C. The testimony of a faithful servant of God was displayed.

  • His love for the Savior
  • His love for souls
  • His love for the church

D. The power of the Holy Spirit of God was irresistible.

  • Because of its reality
  • Because of its truth
  • Because of its teaching

E. The Son of God stood up as confirmation of His approval.

  • He was delighted
  • He was demonstrated
  • They were drawn to Him.


In the death of Stephen, heaven opened, and the Son of God stood up and was glorified.

It is an exemplary kind of death.

It is a very encouraging service to God.