Because of You Lyrics


Because of You

So many nights I'd lie awake and listen

As you would talk to God and call my name

you'd hold your Bible like a priceless treasure

and every promise you would claim

I knew that you were praying for my future

those distant years ahead you couldn't see.

but through the eyes of faith, you had assurance

that God would bless the plans he had for me

because you prayed I found my faith in Jesus

because you loved

I Learned to love him too

I don't know where my life would be if you had

never shown to me what God has done

what God can do

now my life's forever changed

because of you

I'm grateful for the life you lived before me

a life so firmly fashioned by God's Grace

for you would always live the touch of Jesus

in every heart

on every face

because you gave I found the joy of giving

because you cared I care for others too

I don't know where my life would be if you had

never let me see your love for Jesus

shining through

now my life's forever changed

because of you

God has blessings far beyond all measure

unlimited and boundless from above

but of them all by far

his greatest treasure

is the Grace and beauty of a mother's love

because you stayed I never felt forsaken

because you shared

I Learned that I should too

I don't know where my life would be if you had

never shown to me the God you loved

the God you knew

now my life's forever changed

because of you

now my life's forever changed

because of you