The blood of Jesus lyrics


The blood of Jesus

Verse 1
The blood of Christ Jesus has power to save
The blood of my Savior has conquered the grave
He left heaven's glory and died on a tree
To purchase salvation for sinners like me

The blood of Jesus flows from the cross
Pleading my pardon tho' painful the cost
Pure Son of God how loving Thou art
Merciful Savior come into my heart

Verse 2
Find peace thru the blood
Of the Lamb who was slain
Cry unto my Jesus O call on His name
Come unto the Father thru Jesus His Son
Your pardon is certain redemption is done

Verse 3
The blood of Christ Jesus is God's only way
To ransom the sinner and wash sin away
How worthy the Lamb thru the ages will ring
He came as my Savior He'll come as my King