How will they hear lyrics


How Will They Hear


Darkness over shadow, a little village of his birth,

His fam'ly all asleep He lies alone.

Gazing up toward heaven


A little tear falls to the earth and he wonder

if his sorrows here are known

His body wrapped with pain from his father sharp disdain

He lift his hand and whispers in the night

If there's a God above please send someone in love

To comfort me and show me what is right.


verse 2

His brow was creased and wrinkled, his hands were calloused and hard;

His hair was gray, his body stooped with age.

But his eye possessed a twinkle, and his gaze shot through my heart;

His voice was strong, he looked at me and said,

"The harvest fields are white, and I have labored all my life.

Now, who will go and stand in my place?

The people there must hear

That Jesus Christ is near. Step forward now, the work of God embrace."



How will they hear? How will they know?

How will they ever find the truth if we don't go?"

How can they feel God's love to show?

Jesus desires every child His love to know.



And around the world in every tongue, to every nation, tribe and land,

The Gospel must be preached to every man.

Now, who will go and light the way that leads lost souls to Christ?

Who will go and lay down his life?



How will they hear? How will they know?

How will they ever find the truth if we don't go?"

How can they feel God's love to show?

Jesus desires every child His love to know.


How will they hear if we don't go...