Someone You Can Reach Lyrics


Someone You Can Reach


Their faces look so earnestly

Their eyes are pleading longingly

Wondering where their next meal will be

Just trying to make it day to day

As their life so quickly slips away

With never a thought of their eternal destiny


A world away how blessed we are

To live in this great land of ours

Surrounded by such luxuries and wealth

We think we know of sacrifice

Yet we give so little of our lives

It's time for us to look beyond ourselves


There's someone you can reach Someone’s life that you can touch

How could you give so little when we've been given so much?

Someone’s future is depending on what you will do

And to someone in the world today their only hope is you


What a shame to live our whole life long

In sin before our God

What a pity it would be to hear Him say these words

These are ones you could have reached

These are lives you should have touched

How could you give so little when I gave you so much?"

Someone’s future was depending on what you will do

And to those that I put in your path their only hope was you


Let us strive for the goal to reach just one more soul

What price could be to great to hear our Father say

These are ones that you have reached

These are lives that you have touched

Enter in my faithful servant to you I say well done

Someone’s future was depending on what you would do

and now they’ll be forever grateful here in Heaven with you


There's someone you can reach