Keeping the Fire of God Burning in Our Hearts

Sermon Outline From the Pulpit of Open Door Bible Baptist Church Sagay: 

Title: Keeping the Fire of God Burning in Our Hearts

Text: Colossians 3:1-17

Introduction: Sustaining the Flames of Spiritual Zeal

In our journey of faith, maintaining spiritual well-being is akin to nurturing a fire—constant care ensures it burns brightly rather than fizzling out. This analogy underscores the vitality of our spiritual health, radiating enthusiasm, energy, and passion for God's work. Let's delve into Colossians 3:1-17 to explore how we can stoke the flames of divine fervor within us.

Igniting the Flame: Paul's Charge to the Believers Colossians 3:1-3 urges believers to embrace their identity in Christ with fervor and excitement. As we unpack these verses, we find a blueprint for keeping our hearts ablaze for God and His purpose.

Fueling the Fire: Strategies for Spiritual Intensity

  • I. By giving importance to the Scriptures (Colossians 3:14-16) The Word of God is a potent catalyst for spiritual fire. We're called to:

    • Love it, nurturing a deep affection.

    • Live with it, making it an integral part of daily life.

    • Long for it, developing a hunger for its wisdom.

    • Labor for it, investing effort in studying and understanding.

    • Listen to it, heeding its guidance.

    • Learn about it, growing in knowledge and insight.

    • Lead people with it, sharing its transformative power.

  • II. By enjoying the Songs that God wants us to Sing (Colossians 3:16) Engaging in heartfelt worship through song enhances our connection with God and fellow believers. Singing:

    • Infuses life into church services.

    • Ignites excitement in our hearts.

    • Glorifies God as we offer our praises.

  • III. By giving value to the lost Souls in our Church services (2 Peter 3:9, Luke 19:10, Acts 1:8) A burning heart for evangelism propels us to reach out to the lost, driven by the truth that:

    • God's heart beats for the lost.

    • Christ's mission was to seek and save the lost.

    • His sacrificial love calls us to rescue souls.

    • His imminent return compels urgency in our efforts.

  • IV. By being supportive to those that are Serving the Lord (Colossians 4:1-18) Supporting those engaged in ministry is paramount, acknowledging:

    • The significance of their role.

    • The impact on global missions.

    • The divine mandate guiding them.

    • The God-ordained messengers leading the charge.

  • V.By giving all our best to our Savior (Romans 12:1-2) Surrendering our best—love, life, and livelihood—shows dedication to God. This involves:

    • Timely commitment.

    • Utilizing talents and abilities.

    • Offering our treasures for His purposes.

    • Diligently fulfilling tasks assigned.

  • VI.  By being Steadfast in our Services to God (1 Corinthians 15:58) Our service should be unwavering, characterized by:

    • A burden for souls.

    • Boldness in evangelism.

    • A broad vision for spiritual growth.

Now the question is: How is your service to God?