June 20, 2010 - ODBBC 21st Church Anniversary

What is in worship that David was so excited of?

PS. 122:1-9

In Psalm 122 –

  • David was talking about his attitude towards worship.
  • David was talking about his acceptance towards invitations.
  • David was talking about acknowledgement to the importance of worship.

What is in Worship that David was so Excited of?

I. David was so excited to the place that he is going to worship. (The House of God)

  • Some people are so excited of going to the wicked place like beer houses, disco bars, gambling places and etc.. David was so excited of going to the house of God.

What makes him excited in the house of God?

  1. The important things happened in that place.
  2. It is a happy place (there is singing and fellowship with fellow believer).
  3. It is a holly place because the Word of God which is holy is being preached.
  4. It is a healing place. It can heal us from our spiritual sickness(caused by sin).
  5. It is a hearing place. A place where we could hear the preaching of the Word of God and we could hear the singing of spiritual songs.
  6. It is a helping place. In the house of God we can find answers to our spiritual problems. The house of God comes people to the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

II. David was so excited about the person that he is going to worship.

· He was so excited to worship the King of kings and the Lord of lords, the creator of the universe, and the Savior of his soul.

· When you come to church just make it sure that you have a right motive and it must be to worship God.

III. David was so excited about the preaching that he is going to listen.

  • He was so excited to listen to the preaching that is convicting.
  • He was so excited to listen to the preaching that is so compelling.

IV. David was so excited about the people that he is going to be with or that he is going to fellowship with.

  • To fellowship with fellow believers is very exciting.
  • To be with other Christians will increase your fire in serving the Lord. It will make you happy.

V. David was so excited about the progress that he is going to witness.

  • He was so excited to see the blessings of God that he bestowed to his people.
  • He was so excited to the growth of the people of God spiritually and the progress materially.

VI. David was so excited about the personal commitment that he could make for God.

  • In the house of God we can make decisions either you are going to serve God or not.



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