July 26, 2010 Sunday Service

II Tim. 4:7-11

How to Fight our own Battle?

  1. You must understand that you are in a warfare.
  2. You must overcome whatever obstacles that might hinder you in obeying God.

What obstacles that will hinder us.

a. Our Weaknesses.

i. Money – Some people their weakness is money. They can not worship God because of money, they are not willing to give for the ministry. They are working on Sunday because of money in stead of going to church and worship God.

ii. Some men their weakness is women. Some Christian leaders failed in serving God because they fall down in sin with other woman.

iii. Some people their weakness is laziness. They can’t serve God because of laziness. People that are not used to work can not continue in serving God.

iv. Some men their weakness is pride. They forget God during their success.

In order for us to overcome our weaknesses is to humble our self in the sight of God. James 4:7-8 “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to God, he will draw nigh to you. ….”

b. The People around you.

i. If you are serving God there are lots of people that will criticize you. Those people that are not of God can not understand of what you doing for God and they will criticize you.

c. Fear

i. Because of fear some people can not follow the will of God in their life. Fear is the absence Faith. We need to have more faith in God in order to overcome our Fear in Following God, Fear of forsaking something in their life (like their vices). Fear of making decisions for God.

  1. Be persistent of what you are doing for the Lord inspite of what will happen.
    1. By believing that God is able to fulfill his promise.
  2. Resist
    1. The Enemy
    2. The Devil
    3. The Flesh
    4. The World
  3. By staying and obeying the will of God in your life.