The Kind of Family God Wants Us To Have

 The Kind of Family God Wants Us To Have

Genesis 12:1-3


3 Divine Institutions God Established

  • ·         Home / Family
  • ·         Government
  • ·         Church



When god spoke to Abraham to leave his country, his kindred ( a group of related individuals, family) thy fathers house - to the land that God wants him to live.


The Reasons and Result:

  • ·         I will make of thee a great nation
  • ·         I will bless thee and make thy name great
  • ·         You shall be a blessing
  • ·         I will bless them that bless thee
  • ·         And curse them that curseth thee and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed


The Kind of Family God wants us to Have:

A. A Saved Family - V. 1-3, Acts 16:30-34 (a family who experienced a changed life)


Marks of a Saved Family

1. They can recognized the voice of God -- (Note: John 10:27-29

2. They are Receptive to the Word of God

3. They are respectful to the command of God(They obeyed)

4. They rely on the promises of God

5. They are rewarded by God because of the decisions they made.


B. A Sold out Family -V. 4-6,I Cor. 16:15-19

1. There is willingness to obey

2. There is courage to overcome the obstacles

3. There is determination to continue the opportunity God hath given us

·         The opportunity to serve the Lord

  • ·         To speak the truth
  • ·         To Stand for what we believe is right
  • ·         To share our resources to the work of God
  • ·         To see the miracle


C. A Sacrificing Family

1. They know God more than anybody else

2. They believed God more than anybody else

3. They experienced many miracles and blessings in believing and obeying God.